


The main problem with the hardware implementation of turbo codes is the lack of parallelism in the MAP-based decoding algorithm. This project proposes to overcome this problem with a new family of turbo codes, called Slice Turbo Codes. This family is based on two ideas: the encoding of each dimension with P independent tail-biting codes and a constrained interleaver structure that allows parallel decoding of the P independent codewords in each dimension. The optimization of the interleaver is described. A high degree of parallelism is obtained with equivalent or better performance than the best known turbo codes. The parallel architecture allows reduced complexity turbo decoding for very high throughput applications.

This project is a joint collaboration with Turbo-Concept and ENST Bretagne.


More information

Slide of a talk given by Emmanuel Boutillon at MacGill University (May 2004): slides.

Slide of a talk given by David Gnaedig at University of Alberta (march 2003): slides.

"Proposition d'une méthodologie d'adéquation algorithme architecture", E. Boutillon, GDR-ISIS meeting (Paris, 27/06/2005): slides (pdf) and slides (powerpoint).


Related papers

  1. H. Liu, C. Jégo, E. Boutillon, J-Ph. Diguet, and M. Jézéquel, “ Scarce state transition turbo decoding based on re-encoding combined with a dummy insertion", Accepted to IEE Electronics Letters, july 2009.
  2. E. Boutillon, C. Douillard, G. Montorsi, " Iterative Decoding of Concatenated Convolutional Codes: Implementation Issues", Transactions of the IEEE, vol. 95, n°6, june 2007.
  3. D. Gnaedig, E. Boutillon, J. Tousch, M. Jezequel, "Towards an optimal parallel decoding of turbo codes", 4th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Related Topics, Munich, april 2006.
  4. E. Boutillon, D. Gnaëdig, ""Maximum Spread of D-dimensional Multiple Turbo Codes"", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 53, no. 8, aug. 2005
  5. D. Gnaëdig, E. Boutillon, M. Jezequel, V. Gaudet, G. Gulak, ""On Multiple Slice Turbo Code"", D. Gnaëdig, E. Boutillon, M. Jezequel, V. Gaudet, G. Gulak, ""On Multiple Slice Turbo Code"", Annals of Telecommunications, Vol. 60, n°1-2, janvier-février 2005..
  6. D. Gnaedig, E. Boutillon, M. Jézéquel, ""Design of Three-Dimensional Multiple Slice Turbo Codes", Special Issue on Turbo Processing, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, vol 2005 n°6, may 2005, pp 808-819..
  7. David Gnaedig, Mathias Lapeyre, Florent Mouchoux, Emmanuel Boutillon """Efficient SIMD technique with parallel Max-Log-MAP Algorithm for Turbo Decoders", accepted to GSPx 2004 Embedded Applications Software & Hardware Sept. 27-30, 2004, Santa Clara, CA USA.
  8. D. Gnaedig, E. Boutillon, E. Martin, A. Nafkha, J. Tousch, M. Jézéquel, N. Brengarth "Synthèse d’architecture pour la réalisation comportementale de l’algorithme MAP pour Turbo Décodeur", Les Annales des Télécommunications, vol. 59, n°3-4, Avril 2004, pp 321-344
  9. Philippe Coussy, David Gnaëdig, Amor Nafkha, Adel Baganne, Emmanuel Boutillon, Eric Martin, ""A Methodoly for IP integration in DSP Soc: a case study of a MAP algorithm for turbo decoder", Accepted to ICASSP'04, Montreal, May 2004.
  10. David Gnaëdig, Emmanuel Boutillon, Michel Jezequel, Vincent Gaudet, Glenn Gulak, ""On Multiple Slice Turbo Code"", 3nd International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Related Topics, Brest, France, pp. 343-346, Sept. 2003
  11. David Gnaëdig, Emmanuel Boutillon, Michel Jezequel, Vincent Gaudet, Glenn Gulak, "Turbo-Codes à roulettes", accepted to to the GRETSI 2003, Paris, Sept. 2003
  12. .

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