Lab-STICC - Centre de recherche- Laboratory CNRS UMR 6285 Université de Bretagne-Sud FRANCE Tel: (+) 2 97 87 45 04 Secretary: (+) 2 97 87 45 60 Email:
Originally from Mexico, I spent one year in the United States and live in France since 2009. I received my master (Dipl.-Ing.) in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Université de Bretagne-Sud (UBS), France, in 2014. In 2015, I spent 4 months as invited researcher at the Ruhr-University of Bochum (RUB), Germany, in the MCA (applicationspecific Multi-Core Architectures) group under the direction of Prof. Diana Goehringer. I am currently 3rd year PhD student in the lab Lab-STICC (UMR 6285) in France, on the frame of the TSUNAMY project (2013-2017) under the direction of Prof. Guy Gogniat. My current research work deals with secure-enable mechanisms for the spatial isolation of sensitive applications on many-core architectures.