Tutorial for Microcontroller Development

The aim of this web page is to provide to the student the basics of microntroler programming. This example base contains both an explanation document and functional codes for each peripheral of a mircocontroller.

All these examples use the STM32Fxx component, the CubeMX software and either with MDK-ARM or Atollic True Studio framework.

             Here the aim is to use a GPIO in order to Set or Reset the pin configured in output mode in function of the state of another pin configured in input mode. It is useful to turn off or on a led for instance. Here we use also a timer in order to generate a sampling period.
    Keyword: GPIO, Input/output mode, Timer, Interrupt
            Here the aim is to use an ADC in order to realize the acquisition of an analog data and in function of the value of a state variable the sample is written on the DAC output. This kind of application is often used in audio filtering application for instance. Here the filtering part is not addressed. A timer is used too in order to generate the sampling period

    Keyword: ADC, DAC, Timer, Interrupt
            Here the aim is to use an ADC in order to realize the acquisition of an analog data at each sampling period. This kind of application is often used in  data acquisition of an analog sensor. A timer is used too in order to generate the sampling period

    Keyword: ADC, Timer, Interrupt
            Here the aim is to use an ADC in scan mode in order to realize the acquisition of two analog data at each sampling period. This kind of application is often used in when several analog sensor are used in a system and when you can use one ADC instead of use several (pay attention to the sampling period). A timer is used too in order to generate the sampling period

    Keyword: ADC in scan mode, Timer, Interrupt

            Here the aim is to use an Timer in PWM mode in order to pilot a continous current motor or a servo motor. This kind of application is often used in robotic or industrial applications.

    Keyword: PWM
            Here the aim is to use the I²C communication protocol in order to read data from 3-axis accelerometer. This kind of communication is often used so it's important to know how uses it. Here I use also a timer to generate a sampling frequency to read the data regularly.

    Keyword: I²C, 3-axis Accelerometer, Timer
            Here the aim is to use the UART communication protocol in order to read data from GPS. This kind of communication is often used so it's important to know how uses it. Here I use also the GPS PPS (Pulse Per Second) signal to generate a sampling frequency to read the data regularly.

    Keyword: UART, GPS, External Interrupt, Callback function
            Here the aim is to use the UART communication with hardware flow control in order to transmit data from one board to another one. This kind of communication is often used so it's important to know how uses it.

    Keyword: UART, 2 boards, Hardware flow control (RTS/CTS), Callback function
            Here the aim is to use the SPI communication between the microcontroler and a sensor. This kind of communication is often used so it's important to know how uses it.

    Keyword: SPI, Barometric sensor, Data formatting
            Here the aim is to use the USB communication as a virtual port between the microcontroler and a PC. This kind of communication is often used so it's important to know how uses it.

    Keyword: USB, Virtual Com
            Here the aim is to use the USB for mass storage. In this tutorial, we use a USB Key in order to store a file.

    Keyword: USB, USB key, FATFS library
            Here the aim is to use the mailbox of FreeRTOS in order to send data from a producer task to a consumer task. In producer task, we use a humidity/temperature sensor with I²C communication and in the consumer task we switch on a board led and a vibration motir in function of the sensor values.

    Keyword: Mailbox, FreeRTOS, I²C, Humidity/Temperature sensor, Vibration motor
            Here the aim is to present how use the CMSIS libraries with the STM32CubeIDE framework. These libraries are often use in order to optimize the performances of applications.

CMSIS Library, STM32CubeIDE (v1.1.0)