Home My PhD thesis Délégation CNRS 2021-2022
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Full Professor
Lorient - Université
de Bretagne-Sud
Lab-STICC - ARCAD team
Centre de Recherche Christiaan Huygens
BP 92116
56321 Lorient Cedex - FRANCE
Phone : +33 (0) (research center)
28.54 (IUT)
kevin (dot) martin (at) univ-ubs (dot) fr

mon profil
Short Biography
Kevin Martin is an associate professor at Université Bretagne-Sud, France,
in the Lab-STICC, since 2011.
He has received a M.S. in electrical and computer engineering in 2004 and a
PhD in computer science in 2010 from the Université de Rennes, France.
His research interests include system-level design and methodologies, custom
processors, embedded multi-processor platforms, CGRAs, high-level synthesis,
computer-aided design for SoCs and embedded systems.
The team is always seeking students, post-docs, engineers, with various
skills related to (but not limited to): hardware architecture,
compilation, design tools, digital systems, multi/many-cores,
network-on-chip (NoC), RISC-V.
Feel free to contact me.
Post-doc positions
Post-doc positions, apply ASAP:
- Reconfigurable AI architectures
PhD positions
PhD positions, starting September 2025, apply ASAP:
- Energy efficient hardware for embedded AI
- Generative AI for chip design
Engineer positions
One engineer position in compilation, starting ASAP 2024.
On cherche un alternant, ingénieur en apprentissage : rentrée 2025
Internship positions
Open internships position for 2025 on various topics. Feel free
to contact.
- Internship on TinyML acceleration on embedded device
- Internship on ManyCore GUI for data movements and energy optimisation
- Internship on Programmable embedded AI acceleration
- OSSMOSE : Open-Source Software et Matériel Open-SourcE, 2024/07/02
- DSD 2024 special session : MATTERV : Opensource Methods,
architectures, tools and technologies for RISC-V
- CLAP seminars:
Compilation, Language, Analysis, Parallelism
- Colloque
du GdR SOC2 : 2025, June, Lorient, France
- 50 years
of KPN, 2024
CGRA, memory organisation, embedded multiprocessor platforms, compilers,
high-level synthesis, custom processors.
Current PhD students
- Christie Sajitha, Energy Efficient Multi-core
Programmable Accelerator for ULP massive edge computing, 2022-2026
- Chanon Khongprasongsiri, CGRA overlay on FPGA, 2024-2027
- Thibault Perchoc, Methods and tools for mapping frugal AI applications on a cluster based CGRA, 2024-2027
- Fiona Santoro, Exploitation des hiérarchies mémoires
intelligentes pour les systèmes de calcul en périphérie à haute
efficacité énergétique, 2024-2027
PhD graduates
(reported positions might be outdated)
- Chilankamol Sunny, Energy Efficient Loop Acceleration
on CGRAs, 2019-2024
- position after thesis: MTS
Software System Design Engineer at AMD India
- Alemeh Ghasemi, Notifying Memories for Dataflow Applications on
Shared-Memory Parallel Computer, 2018-2022
- position after thesis:
with SMARTNVY, France
- Rohit Prasad, Integrated Programmable-Array accelerator to design
heterogeneous ultra-low power many-core architectures, 2017-2021
- position after thesis:
with CEA, France
- Rodrigo Cadore Cataldo, SUBUTAI: Distributed synchronization primitives for
legacy and novel parallel applications, 2016-2019
- position after thesis:
with Huawei, France
- Satyajit
Das, Architecture and programming model support for
reconfigurable accelerators in shared-memory many-cores, 2014-2018
- position after thesis:
Assistant Professor at IIT Palakkad, India
- Paola Vallejo, Reuse of legacy code for DSML Tools in the context of
MPSoC, 2012-2015
- position
after thesis: Assistant Professor (Universidad EAFIT,
- Thanh Dinh Ngo, Runtime mapping of dynamic dataflow applications on
heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms, 2012-2015
- position
after thesis: Lecturer at Danang University
- Thomas Peyret, CGRA and Fault-tolerant systems, 2011-2014
- position after thesis: engineer at
CEA Saclay
M.Sc students
M.Sc graduates
- Hugo Miomandre, 2017
- Majed Aiaida, 2017
- Christina Merhej, 2015
- Baptiste Goupille-Lescar, 2015
- Ramesh Sureshbabu, 2014
- Hajar El Rhomri, 2014
- Bao Cheng Cong, 2013
Past-Events (some of the following links are dead)
- Colloque
du GdR SOC2 : 2024, 10-11-12 June, Toulouse, France
- 2023/10/17: MLIR: the good, the bad, and the ugly
- AMLE Summer school: 18-22 September 2023, Lorient,
- Colloque
du GdR SOC2 : 12-14 June 2023, Lyon, France
- WRC23 collocated with HiPEAC23, Toulouse,
France, 16 January 2023
- Colloque du GdR GPL : 7-10 June 2022, Vannes,
- Colloque
du GdR SOC2 : 27-29 June 2022, Strasbourg, France
- Compas
conference : Compas 2022 du 5
au 8 juillet 2022, Amiens, France
- ARC : International Symposium on Applied
Reconfigurable Computing, 29 June - 1 July 2021, online, France
- Colloque
du GdR GPL : 14-18 June 2021, online
- Colloque
du GdR SOC2 : 8-10 June 2021, Rennes, France
- The 2nd RISC-V
Week : 30-31 March, 1 April 2021, online, France
Week : October 1-2 2019, Paris
- Compas
conference : Compas
2019 24-28 June 2019, Bayonne
- Colloque
du GdR SOC2 : 19-21 juin 2019, Montpellier
- Colloque
du GdR GPL : 11-14 juin 2019, Toulouse
- Ecole d'archi : 20-24
mai 2019, Lorient
- Member
of the organizing committee of SiPS 2017: http://sips2017.org
- Member of the organizing committee of Compas 2016: http://2016.compas-conference.fr
- Demo Night Co-Chair of DASIP 2016: http://ecsi.org/dasip
I.U.T (Technological Institute of the University) of Lorient.
- Analogue and digital electronic
- Sensors
- Microprocessors, micro-controllers
- C language
Master Research
- Algorithms for VLSI
- OpenMP
Sport, Music (guitar)